Come See Us in Texas! While we do our best to keep our shipping rates low, to maximize your savings, we recommend picking up your order from our store to save on shipping costs. Our friendly staff will even help you load your door. It’s worth the drive!
Will Call: We offer will call for 2 weeks after your door arrives at our store. Currently, will call orders must be placed by phone, not online. Call ahead to make sure your order is ready before coming to pick up.
Shipping: If you are not able to visit us, order online or over the phone and we will arrange shipping. All doors are professionally packed, crated, and wrapped to ensure safe and undamaged delivery.
Scratch’n’Dent Door Units: We currently do not ship scratch’n’dent door units.
Transom and Double Units: Due to shipping limitations of larger door units, transoms will ship unattached and some double units will be shipped ready to assemble.
Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming: Due to the current complexities of freight shipping long distances and to remote areas, we are unable to ship to these states at present time.
Wood, Fiberglass, and Steel Exterior Doors:
Iron Exterior Doors:
Interior Doors:
Other items vary by order, please call for details.
Shipping Time:
Shipping Process:
Damage & Claims: